When hiring contractors like electricians, plumbers, and general contractors in New York, it’s crucial to verify their licenses and insurance certificates to ensure they are qualified and properly insured. Here’s how:
Los electricistas y plomeros de la ciudad de Nueva York deben tener licencias del Departamento de Edificios de la ciudad de Nueva York. Verifique sus licencias en el sitio web del Departamento de Edificios de la Ciudad de Nueva York ( https://a810-dobnow.nyc.gov/publish/) utilizando la herramienta de búsqueda en línea. Ingrese el nombre del contratista o el número de licencia para confirmar el estado de su licencia.
General contractors also need licenses in NYC. Verify their licenses on the NYC Department of Licenses or the Department of Consumer Affairs website. Enter the contractor’s name or license number to ensure they are authorized for construction and renovation work.
Insurance Certificates
Before hiring, request a copy of the contractor’s insurance certificate. Ensure it includes the insurance company’s name, policy number, and coverage limits. Verify its validity and that it covers the work being performed.
References and Experience
Check the contractor’s references and experience. Ask for previous client references and check online reviews. Inquire about their experience with similar projects to ensure they have the necessary skills to complete the job satisfactorily.